CrossFit Loud City

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Are You Recovering Well?

So you’ve been coming to Loud City pretty regularly now. You hit at least three, if not four WOD’s a week, and you are seeing noticeable improvements. Workout times are getting faster. Strength is developing at a rate that you didn’t think was possible. You can feel your conditioning improve with each day. And you have truly immersed yourself into our community; this is your gym now. This is great news!

By now you have realized the intensity of CrossFit. That is the beauty of the programming. That is what delivers the results that so many people desire. Sure, not every training day leaves you in a puddle of sweat and tears, but you know that you will be challenged and pushed each time you walk through those doors. But you’ve also been doing this enough to realize that soreness and fatigue can set in as the week goes on.

So here is the key question: how are you recovering?

CrossFitters tend to quickly realize that nutrition is fuel. Athletes also start developing an “attack mindset” when it comes to the workouts. These are definitely great developments in our quest for fitness. A lot of times the next component to add is recovery.

I don't mean a rest day either. Rest days are necessary. At least once a week you should take a day when you don’t do any exercise or training at all. This is especially important in the early phases of starting CrossFit.

Recovery, on the other hand, should consist of some sort of movement. Recovery could be an easy row at a conversational pace. It could also be a walk around the neighborhood, or a light bike ride.

The idea is to move, but to do so at a pace that can work out any soreness or fatigue without actually adding to it.

A great form of recovery is also mobility work with lacrosse balls, bands, or foam rollers. While we take a little time each week to do this in class, each athlete should add something extra on their own. Foam rollers and lacrosse balls are affordable and can be utilized at home while watching TV.

Quite possibly the most important tool is getting adequate sleep.

The ideal amount of sleep for each person will vary, but getting 7-9 hours a night is a good rule of thumb. Power down any screens at least an hour before bedtime, and try to make your room as dark as possible. Sleeping in a colder room is generally recommended, but this too will vary from athlete to athlete.

The goal of recovery is to prevent burnout and injury. Everyone is different and has different demands placed on their body. This is where self-awareness and listening to the body come into play. If you need to take a day off to recover, or scale a WOD for some reason, then tell your coach. CrossFit, just like any training method, opens the window for some sort of injury setback. It is Loud City’s goal to not only keep you healthy, but to also help you make progress in your fitness journey. This is tough to achieve if there is a constant injury or nagging ache.

Take the time to invest in recovery. If you aren’t sure where to start, ask a coach. There are a ton of great resources out there and your coaches are knowledgeable in ways to help eliminate some of those minor aches and soreness. Your body will thank you and taking a day each week will help you take on WODs at 100%.